In this communication, we take a deeper dive into a valuable feature in GCPay that you may not yet be aware of, but could benefit from using!
Audit Trails Maximize Efficiency and
Provide Necessary Security
Audit trails maintain a record of system activity both by system and application processes and by user activity of systems and applications. In conjunction with appropriate tools and procedures, audit trails can assist in detecting security violations, performance problems, and flaws in applications. This article focuses on audit trails as a technical control and discusses the benefits and objectives of audit trails, the types of audit trails, and some common implementation issues.
A series of records of computer events, about an operating system, an application, or user activities is referred to as an audit trail. A computer system may have several audit trails, each devoted to a particular type of activity. Auditing is a review and analysis of management, operational, and technical controls. The auditor can obtain valuable information about activity on a computer system from the audit trail. Audit trails improve the auditability of the computer system.
Audit trails can provide a means to help accomplish several security-related objectives, including individual accountability, reconstruction of events (actions that happen on a computer system), intrusion detection, and problem analysis. Audit trails also help managers maintain individual accountability. By advising users that they are personally accountable for their actions, which are tracked by an audit trail that logs user activities, managers can help promote proper user behavior Users are less likely to attempt to circumvent security policy if they know that their actions will be recorded in an audit trail log.
GCPay users may be aware of the audit trail feature which is visible on the main header for all projects, but let’s look at some popular use cases and deep dive into this feature to ensure everyone is getting the most of this impactful yet simple tool.
Additional layers of audit exist, for example, GCPay users can track all changes made to SOV details, whther from general contractor account users, subcontractor users, or GCPay support users. Furthermore, AFP or pay app specific audit trails exist for quick review of all changes, including by user with time stamp, about each pay app submission for each project.
In summary, the GCPay audit trail helps users track changes made at project, SOV, and AFP level detail and presents a time stamp, author, and from which entity (GCPay support, subcontractor, or general contractor user) the change occurred.This is an easy way to manage data and specifically changes to data within the GCPay platform.
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