General contractors can better manage subcontractor-stored material expenses within GCPay thanks to recent enhancements. The stored material breakout is a separate column that helps isolate the amount of a pay application that is dedicated to this need, which helps with tracking and reporting. GCs can “block” this feature and not allow for stored material billing by having a GCPay support member enable the feature. Conversely, GCPay also allows for GCs to require subcontractors to manually move stored material with each pay application. This feature gives general contractors the ability to track how much material has been installed on-site.
If a GCPay user (general contractor) wants to require a sub to manually move stored material, they can select the “manually move stored material” feature in their project settings (only admin or user admin roles will have access to enable this feature). The manually stored materials feature, when enabled, will require subcontractors to manually deduct materials installed from the Material Stored column (column F) and add them to the $ This Period column (column D) with each new payment application. Subcontractors manually move material only when said material is installed.
When unchecked, stored material will automatically move from column F to column D in the following pay period. Historically, this option could be toggled by either the general contractor or the subcontractor. This presented issues, as some general contractors did not want their subcontractors to bill for stored materials in this way.